How do I add or edit a discount?

How do I add or edit a discount?

Aura BackOffice allows for discount codes to be created and altered as required.

Note that some discounts may be added by the brand and will be specific to the menu that is downloaded. These discounts cannot be edited.

Go to BackOffice> Lists> Discount Codes:

The following screen opens:


You then need to click on the “+” sign and the following pop-up will appear:


The discount that is being set up below is for a 100% discount:


  • Fixed - This option allows you to apply the discount with the amount stipulated in the “Discount Amt” field. By leaving this unticked, the system will prompt you for a discount amount or percentage to apply to the sale.

  • Override - This option allows you to override the sale to the amount selected. If left unticked, it will then use the amount set out in the “Discount Amt” field.

  • Voucher - This option is used for statistical marketing report purposes only.

  • Is Percent - this option will change the discount amount from a fixed rand value to a percentage of the sale.

  • Staff Meal - This option separates itself from normal customer discounts. 

  • Late Delivery - This option is used to discount a sale as a late delivery and can be customized as per your store’s requirements.

  • Active -  This option needs to be ticked if you like to make use of the discount that is being created. Should you wish to deactivate the discount, this option must remain unticked.


  • Status - This option works mainly with a menu. If a discount is set to “Controlled” then this can be made active or inactive with a menu download. Discounts that are set with an “Open” status will remain active with a new menu download.

  • Auto Apply - This option can be used to automatically apply a discount when certain criteria have been met on an order.

  • Priority - This option works in conjunction with auto-apply discounts. You can specify the order in which the discounts would apply when there is a valid match for the criteria that has been set.

  • Time Specific - This option will only allow the discount to be available on the selected days or at a specific time or both.


Once you have created your discount and entered in all the necessary information, click OK to save the changes:


Once this is done, you need to close Invoicing and reopen it in order for the discount to be available in Invoicing.