Extra Payment Module

Extra Payment Module

The AuraExtraPayments module was released to help facilitate payments for Third Party delivery services and other payment providers, without the need for the workaround of creating specific customers for the services.

This also allows for more specific reporting of these payments.

Processing Payments

When installed, the Extra Payments are accessible from the Payment Screen that appears when concluding a sale in Invoicing.

Click the Other Payments button on the Payment Screen:


The module presents a list of additional payment options:


Note that this list is proscribed and cannot be changed by the user.


All options present the same Details page when selected:

Capture a Reference number/code if required.

Capture any additional Gratuity (Tip) added to the payment.

Capture the payment Amount, which is filled in with the invoice total by default.

If working on a touchscreen device, you can tap the ellipses button [ … ] next to each number field to open a number pad on-screen.


Any payments captured via the Extra Payments functions will be recorded in the cashup in the Other Payments (Ctrl + F3) row.

Pressing [Ctrl] +[F3] on the keyboard will open the list of payments assigned to this cashup:

Note that this screen or the entries cannot be edited or modified in any way as the payments were made via a separate payment system.


Extra Payments Reports can be found under the Lists menu in Backoffice.

When run, you will be given report options to set the range of data you want to view:

The report gives you total values for the period broken down by Payment Type, as well as invoice details for each Payment Type.