Processing a new sale in CounterPOS

Processing a new sale in CounterPOS

When processing a new sale, certain steps need to be taken to ensure the correct capture of an invoice, most of the orders will not be the same as the next one and will require very good attention to detail.

Once the cashier logged in an active till shift will be created if there is no active till shift you will be prompted to start a new shift., to process a new order, simply click on the Sale button at the bottom of the screen.

Once you have selected Sale, you will be presented with the below screen.


The Invoice screen has been divided into 6 parts:



  • Invoice Details - This displays the information about this transaction, such as cashier, customer etc./L You can set the Order Type here (Counter, Collect, Lounge etc.)

  • Basket/Line Options - This part shows you all the needed information with regards to the sale
    For example: selected menu items, invoice total, and it also gives you the options to discount, change the quantity, add notes, or void line times.

  • Sales Options - This part allows you to choose what needs to happen to the invoice.
    For example: re-print the last invoice, add a customer, choose a sales channel, and additional options under “More”.

  • Menu Categories - The categories allow the cashier to quickly find menu items based on the category it belongs to

  • Payment Options - This allows you to choose a payment option from the list of available sources, including “Other” third-party payments systems, Cash, Card, Voucher, or on Account.

  • Menu Items/Options - This part is known as the menu item selector, once a category has been selected you are able to select the menu item and choose from the available options while being able to see the Invoice information at all times.

    After you have added the item to the basket, it is always important to tap Save.


When adding items to the basket, you will notice a small block with a number inside, these are quantity indicators, for example, having 2 buddy drinks will add a quantity indicator of 2 on the Drinks category and the buddy option.


Having multiple items in your basket will be indicated by multiple quantity indicators.


When selecting certain menu items, you will be presented with Option boxes in the category field that will temporarily replace the menu categories. This represents optional additions available for the selected menu item.

When selected, these items are added to the basket nested under the parent menu item:


But on some occasions the options will be presented win an exclamation icon which indicates a required option. A choice must be selected before the sale can be saved.


Now, let's add a note.


When no items are selected, an Invoice Note will be added.

  • Invoice Note - Specific request or instruction with regards to the entire invoice
    example of invoice note: "When delivering ask for the customer at reception".

When an item has been selected, an Item Note will be added:

  • Item Note - Specific request or instruction with regards to the item, it is important to note that you cannot use item note that would affect the stock quantity or prices like adding or removing toppings.
    example of item note:  "Buddy coke should be room temperature".

When submitting an Item Note it will appear as a new line underneath the item.


Now that we can add notes, let's pay for the order.


Payments are done in the Invoice Control section; you will have the following payment methods:

  • Cash

  • Card

  • Voucher

  • Account (Linked to Sales Channels)

  • Other pmt

When paying the order using Cash, you will notice some large denominations on the left-hand side, this is based on the most commonly captured amounts, once the total has been added, you will need to click on the green tick which will automatically send the order to the kitchen.

When a payment has been received the change will be shown and the sale will automatically move to a new Sale screen.

Adding a tip - When adding additional cash, the amount will appear as Change, however when when adding an amount for a tip to any other payment, such as Cards, it will appear as a tip: