Xero - How to export data from Aura

Xero - How to export data from Aura


Your Xero Exports will automatically extract themselves Daily to the Xero Exports folder within your aura directory.



In this directory you will see all the exports that have been done with their corresponding category and date of extract.



The date of the file is the date the extract was done, but the information contained in that file is for the previous day, in the above files it would contain the information for the 12th and not the 13th.



Once you have these files, to begin your imports, log into your Xero account. When you have logged in select the store you want to do imports for, to begin your sales imports, click on Business → Invoices.



Choose Import:


Select Browse and browse to the sales file that you would like to import, click on it and choose Open. You will then see the file name.



After this at the bottom there is a section asking if the amounts are Tax inclusive or exclusive. For sales, you need to choose the option for Tax Inclusive and click on Import.



Once it has processed, the file it will show you how many items will be imported, you can click on Complete Import.



You will then be able to see the invoice on your Xero dashboard. You can open it to view the details.




Purchases and Royalties


Importing purchases follows a similar process to sales, once you have logged into your Xero account, click on Business and then Bills to pay.



Choose Import:


Select Browse and browse to the sales file that you would like to import, click on it and choose Open. You will then see the file name.


After this at the bottom there is a section asking if the amounts are Tax inclusive or exclusive. For Purchases and Royalties you need to choose the option for Tax Exclusive and click on Import.



Once it has processed the file it will show you how many items will be imported, you can click on Complete Import.





The Purchases and Royalties will be viewable in the same way as the Invoices.