Enable 'Pay Later' on Self-Service Terminals

Enable 'Pay Later' on Self-Service Terminals

Step 1: Scan the QR code at the SST to access the Management interface

If you do not have a printed version, you can use your phone to take a photo of this QR code and then hold your phone up to the QR scanner on the SST and show it the photo you just took, or print it out.

Scan the QR Code on SST as indicated below:

Step 2: Once the Manage interface has loaded, you will need to select Payment.



Step 3: Once you have selected Payment, tick the box next to Allow Pay Later, after it has been ticked select Back.


Step 4: Select Save and wait for the SST to reload.


Once the pay later feature has been activated, you will notice on the payment screen of the SST there will be a new button called Pay at Till, this button refers to the pay later feature.


When the order is processed and sent to Invoicing it will be displayed under the outstanding tab until payment has been received at the till.


Before the customer can collect their order from the counter, the customer must hand the cashier the unpaid SST slip, Orders that have not been paid will display "Amount due" at the bottom of the slip.


The cashier will make the payment in Invoicing by selecting the outstanding order and selecting Pay.


Payment is made the same way any other payment is captured;


Invoicing will prompt you to print the invoice, select Yes;

Then give the customer the new Invoice showing it has been paid. Orders that have been paid will display "Payments Received" at the bottom of the slip.