SST management interface

SST management interface

This document will guide you through setting up the SST Manage interface and cover some key features.

The first thing you will need to do is on the server on google chrome you will need to visit the following URL:

Bookmark this URL as SST Manager to easily access this when you need to.

You can also access the Management Interface on the SST itself, by scanning the below QR Code on the QR Scanner on the SST.

The QR Code has been added as a downloadable image.


Once the page has loaded you will have 2 selections:

  • Selection one: Updates – Here you will find a list of updates that have been downloaded automatically.

  • Selection two: Kiosk – Here you will find additional options. Below is a breakdown.

Additional Options under Kiosk:


When selecting List, you will get the below information:

  • Address: This refers to the IP address of the SST (Kiosk)

  • Status: This refers to the current status of the SST (Online, Offline, Unresponsive)

  • Test Print: Will allow you to print a test page.

  • Set Online: Changing the status to Online (Ready to be used)

  • Set Offline: Changing the status to Offline (Not ready to be used)

  • Reboot: Restarting the SST 

  • Shutdown: Power off the SST

  • View: This allows you to view the SST Interface in the browser on the server computer, this can also be done by typing the SST IP address in the address bar followed by :4000 (colon 4000).


When selecting Menu, you will see a list of all the Menu Categories and the number of items in the Category. Here you can select the Categories or Menu items that will be available on the SST (Kiosk).


For example:

If you are not selling salads, you would be able to Disable the Salads Category by clicking on the toggle switch.

If you are not selling a certain item, you can Disable the specific item by clicking on the Category, and then clicking the toggle switch next to the item.

If you select Enable all, everything will be available on the SST (Kiosk)

If you select Disable all, nothing will be available on the SST (Kiosk)

Always click the save button if you have made any changes!