Capturing Failed Online Orders

Capturing Failed Online Orders

This is a quick guide on how to use Special Orders, a function that’s used when an online order might fail to automatically communicate with a store after getting a response from the Yumbi Online Ordering server.

Special Orders

When an Online orders prints to the Yumbi GSM printer instead of through Aura, take the following action:


Step 1: Click on the Special Order button as shown below:


Please Note: If the Special Orders button doesn't appear on Invoicing, Please contact the Aura Helpdesk via email (support@cosoft.co.za) for assistance in adding the function.


An alternative option would be to select the Invoicing menu and click Special Orders or use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + S. The following window should appear with two prompts:


  • The reference number for this order is a number that is printed on the Yumbi GSM printer when the Online Orders server cannot communicate with the store's client. See the image of a Yumbi slip below where we have highlighted where the reference number prints:


  • Order Amount is the total amount of the order, as it appears on the Yumbi Slip.


Step 2: Capture the figures in the available fields. It should look something like this:



Please Note: The reference number would usually have either a C or D in it, which informs you whether the order is for a delivery [D] or a collect [C] order.



Step 3: Click the Validate button. A new window should appear, and depending on whether it’s a collect/delivery order, it’ll either be the Customer Lookup or the Order window. From here you should be able to finish the order manually. Make sure to add the correct menu items with the correct total value or else the order will fail.


If paid online, the sale will appear in Cashup under Credit Cards.

Errors during Capturing  Failed Online orders


In most cases, if the order fails you may get the error: Could not Validate Special Orders on the system it will inform you of the reason why as shown below.




If the below error is received the issue is usually caused by the menu items codes or prices not matching with the mediator codes or prices



If he above error is received please also ensure the Voucher code first,if it is valid please check for error 91 on the mediator as this is caused by the menu items codes or prices not matching with the mediator codes or prices.


Please create a ticket for menu department requesting to add the items in question on the mediator (or if the prices are not matching the website to update the prices).


If the menu items Match please ensure the Yumbi vouchers module(YumbiVoucherModule- is installed at the store as Yumbi vouchers is required to process a special order and will fail with the above error and show this in the invoicing log file where the special order was processed.