This document is only for stores that fall under the below profiles.

  • Combo Generic

  • Combo Halaal

If your store falls under the below profiles, PLEASE IGNORE THIS DOCUMENT as this does not pertain to you.

  • All Standalone stores

  • Combo Khula Generic

  • Combo Khula Halaal

  • Combo Sodafountain Generic

  • Combo Sodafountain Halaal

  • Combo Dark Kitchen

  • Combo Diner


In an effort to standardise menus and recipes across the board for all of our stores in the Famous Brands network, Cosoft will be updating the menu to make changes in areas like naming, formatting and stock code conventions. This will help to lower the chances of menu and recipe errors and discrepancies across different menu profiles.

Because stock codes in particular are vital references that are used by Aura in tracking stock, some important actions must be taken at store level to reduce the disruptions that the menu changeover will cause to the store’s stock reporting as much as possible.

In short, several stock codes will need to change, meaning that the old stock codes, along with their stock price history, will be made inactive. Each store will therefore need to record the existing stock prices and then re-capture them for the new stock item.

This changeover will happen at month-end, so that the month’s reporting will be complete, and the new month can start with the new codes. Please make sure to follow the below steps at the times indicated to get the best outcome.

Step 1: Preparations

Before the final day of the month

Store Owners will need to ensure that their managers have the necessary permissions to update the new stock costings. The managers at the store will need the following access permissions enabled:

To set these, open Backoffice, and go to Preferences > Access Permissions

On the left, select the Manager category, and make sure the permissions “To edit an existing stock take” and “To edit stock takes within 24 hours of posting.” are under the Allowed section.

If not, you can search for them from the list of denied permissions and grant them by selecting them and tapping on the button.

These permissions are necessary for managers to successfully complete the following step.

Step 2: Complete Full Stock Take

Final Day of the Month

The manager will need to conduct a full stock take on the final day of the month. 

After that is done, the Stock Variance, Gross Profit and the Stock Item Listing reports must be printed out in preparation of the new menu with the new stock codes.

The Stock Item Listing report can be found under Reports > Lists > Stock Item

On the Stock Item Listing report, it is important to take note of the Cost before Wastage column. You will use this as a reference to manually update the costs of any new items after the menu has updated.

Step 3: Update Stock Costs

On the First of the New Month, AFTER the menu has updated

Once the new menu has activated, open Backoffice and go to Lists > Stock > Items to see the properties of all active stock items.

Click Spreadsheet View to switch to a list of all items. Now scroll down the list. Any new items will show a Bulk Cost of 0, because they will have registered as having never been purchased before.

Using the Stock Item Listing report that you printed before the menu updated, update the Bulk Cost field in Aura. Repeat this process for all items that are missing the correct cost.

 Above is an example of the manual entry. If the unit Cost Before Wastage is 0 on the Stock Item Listing report, then this means that this stock item has never been purchased at the store and therefore should be left as 0.

Step 4: Update Stock Take

On the First of the New Month, AFTER the menu has updated and stock costs have been captured.

After the bulk cost has been captured, the closing stock from the last day of the month will now need to be edited. Please make sure that you select the correct date underStock Take Date’, this should be the last day of the month in which the full stock take was done before the new menu activated. 

Under the stock take you will notice that the stock shows duplicates. This will help and ensure that the manager enters the correct stock count under the new stock, without needing to recount the stock at the store.

The manager will need to re-enter the count of the old stock, under the new stock, and change the value of the old stock to 0. Below is an example of the old stock that has been changed to 0 and the new stock which now has the count of the old stock. If the bulk cost was entered correctly as mentioned above on point number 2, then the stock value will be calculated accordingly. Please note that there will be a few rounding discrepancies between the old stock and the new stock.

Step 5: Reset Permissions

For security purposes, it’s important for the Store Owner to reset any permissions that were change for this procedure.

Follow the process outlined in Step 1, but make sure to deny any permissions that were granted by selecting the permission and clicking the button to move it to the Denied field.