Preliminary Investigation: When you report an issue, our support agents will perform initial checks to rule out common problems such as Goods Received Voucher (GRV), stock take, or manufacturing errors.
Specialist Escalation: If the issue appears to be more complex after the initial investigation, it may be escalated to a specialist. The agent will log all relevant information, attach pertinent reports and screenshots, and inform you that the matter will be elevated. The specialist will conduct a detailed examination, checking for any errors in the previous checks.
Empowering Managers: We encourage and empower store managers to conduct their investigations. Their access to more data and the physical stock often enables a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.
Customer Responsibility: In instances where a discrepancy between a menu recipe and in-store usage is identified, and it aligns with the information provided by our menus team, it becomes the store's responsibility to contact head office or the brand directly within one week. This allows for a timely resolution of the reported issue.
Full Stock Audit Analysis (Upon Request): If a store insists that the problem is unidentifiable and no issues are apparent on initial inspection, a full stock audit can be requested. This process involves assigning a dedicated specialist to comb through the database and requires up to a two-week turnaround for the audit report.
Billing Information: If the audit reveals errors caused by Cosoft, there will be no charge. However, procedural errors or customer-related issues, including inconclusive results, may result in billing.