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Aura Security Setup

For any store owner, and in fact, with any software system that deals with financial data, a good security policy is extremely important. Due to the fact that many people in a store environment will need to use the Aura system, it’s important to be able to control access to information and abilities, and then be able to review user activity and adjust the system accordingly.  

The Aura point of sale system provides the tools to be able to do this effectively for your store. This guide will take you through the steps of a recommended security setup, and explains how to review and analyze user activity. Please note that this is a general recommendation, please feel free to modify it based on your needs, and be sure to consult the Aura product manuals for more detailed information on these different areas and reports.

Access Permissions

The first step in creating a security policy is assigning different levels of access to each category of employee that uses Aura. This way you can make sure that the cashier has access to make sales but not access Backoffice, and that managers have access to what they need to do their jobs while keeping sensitive information private. Permissions are assigned by category instead of each employee individually.


In this example, To View or Change Global Settings is the name of this particular permission, and the name that will appear in the Access Permissions screen and Activity reports.


Access Permission Setup

To configure your access permissions, open Backoffice, and click Preferences > Access Permissions.


Here is a list of recommended access levels for each category.


Restricted Employee Categories

After assigning permissions, it’s important to be able to prevent an employee from simply editing or changing their category to allow them more access under the Employee screen. To do this we have created the ability to restrict access to some categories from others. In Backoffice, click Preferences > Restricted Employee Categories.
